



  • v.

    浪费( misspend的现在分词 );

  • 英英释义

    misspend[ ,mis'spend ]

    • v.
      • spend time badly or unwisely
      • spend (money or other resources) unwisely



    Harvard misspending alleged
    State slams sheriff again for misspending
    HHS OIG: Allegations of Misspending Were Unsubstantiated
    MACSI report highlights thousands in misspending
    House Panel Probes Alleged Misspending of E.D. Funds by Will
    Supreme Court Says States Are Liable For Misspending of Chapter 1 Funds
    Feds Investigate Allegations of Corruption and Misspending by California National Guard
    Misspending for Youth: School Vouchers in Louisiana Are a Legally Tenuous, Short-Term Fix for a State in Need of Public Education Re...
    Scared Straight: Financial Mismanaging, Misspending, over Budgeting, Squandering, Embezzling-By Any Verb, School Districts Are Losin...
    Facing Goliath: Association CEO Kim Kenney caught the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention misspending funds. Here's what she ...